
getty underground

A Virtual Art Experience

Since 1998, Getty Underground (GU) has been a biennial event to showcase and share the artistic talents of Getty staff, volunteers and docents with the entire Getty community in the areas of 2D, 3D, film/video, stage performance, spoken word, culinary arts and fashion/wearable art.

Everyone is encouraged to become involved with GU, either as an artist or as a volunteer…  or both! If you have never tried creating a painting or a sculpture, perhaps now is the time to do so! 

Or perhaps you’re an aspiring musician, actor, comedian, filmmaker, video artist, writer, baker or fashion designer? 

GU has participation opportunities for all of you! And you can participate in as many categories as you choose.

“It was not that long ago that I had to pass on to Laura that GU was not going to be allowed to occur onsite. I could not have imagined what happened next. Often the most creativity is born out of challenges. This team has put on the BEST GU yet, perhaps one of the best Getty exhibits yet, and the one that people who are with the Getty now will be talking about forever. You’ve made an important mark on the Getty.”

Les Borsay

“I wanted you all to know how extremely PROUD I am of you and ALL THE HARD WORK you put into GU 2020.  I firmly believe that GU is one of the VERY BEST things about work-life at the Getty.  Getting to serve on the GU organizing committee with all of you is both an honor and a delight.

BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO!!! What a GREAT SHOW! Awesome work!!

Looking forward to GU 22!”

Sabine Schlosser

“It turned out great! Thanks so much for working so hard to make sure it still happened this year 😀 ! I love that people will be surprised (and delighted) when they run into it (the GU2020 Flashmob).

Thanks again—for giving me something to look forward to, be a part of, and accomplish right now.”

Amanda MacLean


A message from jim cuno

Getty Underground: 2020 Vision

Since 1998, Getty Underground has been a biennial event to showcase and share the artistic talents of the entire Getty family, including staff, docents and volunteers. Getty Underground 2020 opens Tuesday, September 15th and runs through December 31st, 2020.

Click here to watch the Launch Video

During this time of social distancing and stay at home orders, I am hoping you will be inspired by this year’s theme, and that it  prompts you to register online.  Looking forward to seeing your inspired works from this unprecedented time in history.