Earl Grey and Lavender Custard Pie

Margaret Ouchida



• 9” unbaked, deep dish pie shell

• 2 1/4 cups scalded Earl Grey milk*

• 3 eggs, beaten

• 1 egg white

• 3/4 cup lavender syrup*

• 1/4 tsp salt

• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


Lavender syrup

• 1 cup water

• 4 tablespoons fresh lavender or dried culinary lavender

• 1 1/3 cup sugar

• 2 tablespoons honey

• sieve/strainer

Bring water and lavender to a boil.

Once the water starts to boil, stir in the sugar until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Reduce heat to the lowest setting and simmer for 5 minutes.

Add honey and stir.

Remove pot from the heat and let the mixture steep for at least an hour.

Strain out the lavender and pour the syrup into a clean, airtight glass container.

Store in the refrigerator for up to a week.

What to do with left over lavender syrup?

Try lavender milk – steamed milk with lavender syrup, yum!


    Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

    Mix together eggs, lavender syrup, salt, and vanilla. Stir well.

    Blend in the scalded milk, a little at a time.

    Brush egg white onto inside bottom and sides of pie crust to help prevent a soggy crust.

    Pour custard mixture into pie crust (I place the pie crust on the oven rack first and then pour the mixture into the pie crust to prevent spillage)

    Bake for 50 to 60 minutes or until a knife inserted near center comes out clean. (Please adjust according to your oven)

    Remove from oven and cool on rack

    Store in refrigerator

    Although pie can be eaten warm, when it is chilled it will hold its form better when cut

    Options: Lavender Custard Pie: replace Earl Grey Milk with whole milk

    Earl Grey Custard Pie: replace lavender syrup with sugar



    Earl Grey Milk

    • 2 1/4 cups whole milk

    • 6 tsp Earl Grey tea leaves or equivalent in tea bags

    • cheese cloth/fine sieve/tea infuser

    Scald milk.

    Once milk is scalded, turn off the heat and remove pot from the burner.

    Place loose leaf tea (in cheese cloth/sieve/tea infuser) or tea bags in milk and let it steep for 4 – 5 minutes.

    Remove tea leaves after allotted time