Explore the Era

Delve into the postwar Los Angeles art world in this online archive, which provides additional material related to the exhibitions on view at the Getty Center. Learn about hipsters and happenings, and the venues across the city where all the action took place through images from the archives and first-hand accounts with the artists.

Esther-Robles Gallery

Poster for Karl Benjamin exhibition

Poster for Karl Benjamin exhibition at the Esther-Robles Gallery in Los Angeles, 1964. © Karl Benjamin. The Getty Research Institute, Gift of Michael Asher, 2009.M.30.12

Esther-Robles Gallery was one of the first exhibition spaces to open on La Cienega Boulevard, which became a hotbed of L.A. artistic activity from the late 1950s onwards. The gallery focused on exhibitions of modern and contemporary art, showing work by Karel Appel, Karl Benjamin, Claire Falkenstein, and others.

Historic Map Locations

Works of Art

  • Stage II

    Stage II, 1958, Karl Benjamin. Oil on canvas. 50 x 70 in. Collection of Louis Stern. © Karl Benjamin, courtesy Louis Stern Fine Arts. ©Photography by Gerard Vuilleumier

Explore the Archive

  • Video: Karl Benjamin

    Video: Karl Benjamin speaks about his work, December 2009

  • Abstract Classicists

    Abstract Classicists meet at Lorser Feitelson’s studio in Los Angeles, May 10, 1959