Artist Alan Nakagawa’s “Myth Not Myth” project deconstructs misperceptions about ancient art through conversation and sculpture. To inspire his sculptures, which are presented free to the public in the Villa’s Outer Peristyle on June 11, 18, and 25, 2016, he interviewed Getty Museum staff, including conservator Marie Svoboda. She discussed how our modern expectations of art influence how we perceive ancient art, and how current conservation ethics seek to make evident what is original about an artifact—and what is not.

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Getty Museum conservator Marie Svoboda discusses perceptions of ancient art with visiting artist Alan Nakagawa in the Museum's conservation studio

Getty Museum conservator Marie Svoboda discusses perceptions of ancient art with visiting artist Alan Nakagawa in the Museum’s conservation studio

More to Explore

“Myth Not Myth” project description

“Myth Not Myth” event information

Alan Nakagawa’s portfolio

[instrumental music interspersed throughout]

MARIE SVOBODA: Reminds me of a very funny story, that I brought my mom once to the museum when I first started working here. And, it’s all about understanding and perception, right? She walks in and she’s looking around and she’...