Mosaics are one of the most important forms of artistic expression from the ancient world. The Getty Conservation Institute, the Getty Foundation, ICCROM, and ICCM created MOSAIKON, a strategic regional program for the conservation of mosaics in the Mediterranean.

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The MOSAIKON Initiative project description

Conserving Mosaics in the Middle East and North Africa, A MOSAIKON Trainer’s Account Iris post

Inside the Bulla Regia Model Field Project Iris post

Conserving and Protecting Mosaics in the Mediterranean: the MOSAIKON Initiative Iris post

Conserving the Mosaics of the Mediterranean magazine article (PDF 11.8 MB)

Stories in Stone: Conserving Mosaics of Roman Africa book

Tunisian Mosaics: Treasures from Roman Africa book

[Instrumental music plays throughout]

NARRATOR: The Mediterranean Sea, bordered by Africa, the Middle East, and Europe, has connected cultures for thousands of years. Its surrounding lands bare the traces of many civilizations. Among those remnants are mosaics that once embellished the pri...