All Posts by Leslie Friedman
I've been a project specialist at the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) since 2009, working mainly on the MOSAIKON Initiative. I'm an architectural conservator specializing in the conservation of archaeological sites and decorative surface finishes. I have a background in archaeology and anthropology, and am an expert member of ICAHM, the ICOMOS International Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management. I previously worked for the GCI as a graduate intern (2006–2007), at ICOMOS, at the U.S. National Park Service, and as an independent conservator in private practice. Some of my previous projects have included the ancient site of Gordion in Turkey, 16th-century wall paintings in Puerto Rico, a 19th-century Mughal palace in India, the World Heritage site of Mesa Verde, Spanish colonial adobe architecture in California, and the historic city of Jaffa.