
Archive for the ‘Reflections on Getty workshops’ Category

11th Year of the Art & Language Arts Program Is Off to a Wonderful Start

July 26th, 2010 16 comments

A big welcome to the 11th class of elementary teachers participating in the Art & Language Arts program! Our first day of the seminar was lively, engaging, and fun. Both teachers and Getty staff had a blast discussing works of arts and playing with sketching and painting activities together. Can’t wait for tomorrow!

New Getty Teacher Program Facebook Fan Page

March 29th, 2010 Comments off
We just launched a Getty Teacher Programs Facebook page! Become a fan and learn about upcoming workshops, new teacher resources, and more.

Check out our new Getty Teacher Programs page on Facebook.
Check out our new Getty Teacher Programs page on Facebook.

Happy Anniversary, Art & Language Arts!

August 16th, 2009 11 comments

I had a terrific time at the 10-Year Anniversary Celebration of Art & Language Arts yesterday. It was so great to see so many alumni of the program and to hear how they are still incorporating Getty works of art into their curricula in creative and meaningful ways! The student poets from San Jose Street Elementary School and the actors from the Burbank Youth Summer Institute were very impressive–they really brought the galleries to life.

If you came to the anniversary celebration, share your thoughts on the day. And if you have pictures, please share those as well.