
Posts Tagged ‘manuscripts’

Great Video on Illuminated Manuscripts

January 5th, 2010 Comments off

Last year we launched a very informative video that explains how medieval books are made.

Check out the video “The Structure of a Medieval Manuscript” and inspire students with handmade books!

Activity Ideas for Manuscripts?

January 3rd, 2010 2 comments
The French navy sets sail for battle on a page from the Chronicles, a history book made in the 1400s

The French navy sets sail for battle on a page from the Chronicles, a history book made in the 1400s

We are gearing up for our next workshop for current Art & Language Art participants, which will focus on illuminated manuscripts and will take place on Saturday 1/23.

How have you incorporated illuminated manuscripts into your elementary curricula? Post your lesson ideas and student artwork to inspire your colleagues.

And be sure to check out our current exhibition Medieval Scriptorium, on view at the Getty Center through February 14, 2010. This exhibition, which focuses on the working method of artists in the Middle Ages (about A.D. 500–1500), is designed specifically for kids and families!