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J. Paul Getty Museum

Art snapshots, exhibitions and events news, curator’s essays, and more from the Getty Museum.

Conservation Work Reveals the Hidden Revisions of Pontormo, Italian Renaissance Master
Visitation, 1528–1529, Pontormo (Jacopo Carucci). Oil on wood panel, 70 1/2 x 61 7/16 in. Parrocchia di San Michele Arcangelo a Carmignano (Prato). Su concessione della Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la Città Metropolitana di Firenze e per le Province di Pistoia e Prato. Photo © Antonio Quattrone, Florence

Conservation Work Reveals the Hidden Revisions of Pontormo, Italian Renaissance Master

Study and treatment of a Renaissance altarpiece reveals new details about the artist’s working method, as well as his brilliant colors

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Confronting Power and Violence in the Renaissance Nude
Venus Rising from the Sea (Venus Anadyomene), about 1520, Titian. Oil on canvas, 29 13/16 × 22 11/16 in. National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh. Accepted in lieu of Inheritance Tax by HM Government (hybrid arrangement) and allocated to the Scottish National Gallery, with additional funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Art Fund (with a contribution from the Wolfson Foundation), and the Scottish Executive, 2003

Confronting Power and Violence in the Renaissance Nude

The Renaissance origins of the male gaze.

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An Introduction to the Drunken Satyr, A Rare Roman Bronze Being Studied and Conserved at the Getty Villa
J. Paul Getty Museum conservator William Shelley and preparator Rita Gomez assure the sculpture’s arrival in the Getty Villa conservation studios. Drunken Satyr, 1st century BC–1st century AD, Roman. Bronze, 137 cm high. Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli, inv. 5628. Reproduced by agreement with the Ministry of Cultural Assets and Activities and Tourism. National Archaeological Museum of Naples – Restoration Office. Photo: Sarah Waldorf

An Introduction to the Drunken Satyr, A Rare Roman Bronze Being Studied and Conserved at the Getty Villa

A rare ancient Roman sculpture receives in-depth conservation treatment.

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Sex, Power, and Violence in the Renaissance Nude
Danaë, 1530, Correggio (Antonio Allegri). Oil on canvas; 74 3/16 × 86 13/16 × 4 1/2 in. Galleria Borghese, Ministero dei Beni e delle attività culturali e del Turismo

Sex, Power, and Violence in the Renaissance Nude

A new exhibition asks difficult questions about sex, violence, and beauty in Renaissance art.

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