Art & Language Arts Receives Award for Excellence
We just came back from the 2012 California Association of Museums conference in Berkeley to accept a Superintendent’s Award for Excellence in Museum Education for the Art & Language Arts program. We couldn’t be happier!
The award competition is a joint project of the California Association of Museums and the Office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. It feels so great to be honored by colleagues in the museum field and the state’s department of education.
To all Art & Language Arts participants, alumni, and supporters, we share this award with you!

Museum educator Theresa Sotto accepting the award with Ed Prohaska, CAM President and Chief Financial Officer, Monterey Bay Aquarium; Craig Cheslog, Principal Advisor to Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson; and Phil Kohlmetz, CAM Past President and Executive Director, Western Railway Museum.
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