Over 90 teachers gathered at the Getty Center on Saturday, August 13, to play games in the galleries and discover playful art-making activities. The 12th Annual Art & Language Arts Alumni Event, which focused on the theme of “Play & Pastimes,” brought out the playful spirit in teachers and Getty staff alike.
Educator and author Laurel Schmidt listed words that teachers think of when they hear the word “play.” The circled words relate to what our brains do when we engage in playful, new activities.
Laurel Schmidt shared so many playful and meaningful strategies, such as letting students use sidewalk chalk in the playground to practice writing.
Teachers had a blast participating in an improv game inspired by Ellsworth Kelly’s sculpture Untitled, which was led by museum educator Jennifer Li.
Jennifer Li discussed Rembrandt’s Abduction of Europa and then led teachers in a lively improv game.
Museum educator Kelly WIlliams demonstrated how to use a toy squirt gun to create wacky watercolors.
Teachers created a “mystery painting” with white crayon on white paper and then switched their drawings with a partner. Partners completed the works of art using watercolors.
What a colorful array of watercolors! Participants used experimental techniques such as adding salt and using squirt guns.
Museum educator Flora Ito led a tour of “crazy” containers such as decorative potpourri vessels created to look like ships.
The newly installed Boy with Frog by Charles Ray was the focus of an activity developed by Burbank Arts Coordinator Peggy Flynn.
Peggy Flynn’s session, “A Playful Process for Imaginative Molds,” was packed with enthusiastic teachers.
Teacher Moira Hanson was very focused on the task of creating an imaginative mold.
After viewing a fanciful clock in the Getty’s collection, teachers created imaginative clocks of their own.
Hickery-dickery-dock, colorful vines run up this clock.
Teacher Nora Felix was all smiles during museum educator Sandy Rodriguez’s clock-decorating workshop.
It’s not too late to register for the 12th Annual Art & Language Arts Alumni Event on August 13. This year’s theme is Play & Pastimes, so get ready to be playful! Call 310-440-7322 to register.

Don't miss this opportunity to reinvigorate your teaching practice!
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