Looking at this ancient Greek vase, you might wonder: Who made it? How did it survive for thousands of years? Did it ever break? Whose was it, anyway?

Attic Panathenaic Amphora, 500–480 B.C., attributed to Kleophrades Painter. Terracotta, 25 9/16 × 15 7/8 in. The J. Paul Getty Museum, 77.AE.9. Digital image courtesy of the Getty’s Open Content Program
We’re launching a new series to get your burning questions answered by Getty specialists. And they can be about anything related to art, conservation, research, and more—your favorite painting, how to preserve mosaics, who painted the first unicorn, how to you keep sculptures from falling in an earthquake, and more!
Ask your questions on our Facebook page (or in the comments on this post) and once a week, we’ll get the right expert to make you a video with the answer.
My six year old daughter wants to know, who is the youngest artist to be featured by the Getty Museum? Thank you!
How are new museum exhibits created?
i miss you too!
will you be posting ALL responses in the Getty email so i can pick and choose my intersts?
hope so.
I love working with water color, I am self taught and teaching myself continuely. I work with acrylics and most recently water soluble oils. I love mixing up mediums to create something special, but fear the result in regards to preservation. How do I create art with a multi media hand without it fracturing. I’m not even sure if I am expressing myself correctly because I am without art training/ education.
I am interested in art frames. Some great oil and pastel master artists of the past designed the frames for their own works. Realizing that this can be somewhat subjective, how did they choose the frame to best complement their artwork? What decisions were made about color, style, viewing effect, materials, size, etc. How best to make the art frame an extension of the artwork?
Who were the artists that did this, with examples? I know Edgar Degas was one of them.
Thank you for providing me the opportunity to ask these questions.
Is there a demonstrable link between the forms in the drawings and paintings of Hilma Auf Klint and similar abstract forms found in traditional Hindu Tantric art?
How is the center coping during this pandemic?
Degenerate Art, and the morality behind it…and does the Getty own any?
Stolen art and the stories that entails (I’ve often thought about world museums with relics from other lands…how they got it, does the land of origin want it back?
Good books (fiction, or non-) on stolen art, black market reproductions, etc.
Most complete data for what the Allies recovered after WW2, including Russia’s spoils of war.
I find it all so interesting…it’s not like I want a career in stolen art…just an interest…I have googled some of this, but, you guys are in the field and may know some stuff google doesn’t.
Thanks. Im enjoying your emails.
Where does the Getty museum find these artifacts?
I am looking for information regarding The Bear in Gallery 208 at the Villa. Anything at all would be very much appreciated.
Thank you,
Hi Pat,
Thank you for your interest in our collection! You can learn more about the Statue of a Bear through the online collection page:
or reach out to us at antiquities [at] getty.edu with any further questions. Thank you!
I hope you all are doing OK during this pandemic. I miss going there! One of my favorite place to be on earth! So I have an odd question. How are you keeping all paintings and scriptures from becoming a dust collectors? How do you dust those precious art works? Thanks, and everyone stay safe!!
Thanks for this! What popular images were used in Europe to describe the New World?