I’m an artist and videographer with a professional background in commercial art galleries, and I came to the Getty as a recent graduate from an MFA program in digital art. My internship was in the Museum’s Education Department, where I facilitated a number of digital media initiatives. This internship was an excellent opportunity for me to exercise and adapt my creative and technical expertise for production of arts education-related content at the institutional level.
Proudest of: My greatest accomplishment during my internship was successfully developing and producing three videos for two new video series in support of the Education Department’s teacher and artist-based programs. I was granted a great deal of autonomy in the process of taking each series from its initial proposal stages through to completion, but not without immense support from staff in the Museum’s Education, Curatorial, and Collections & Information Access departments. It was an excellent learning experience working in collaboration with education specialists, curators, and media producers to enhance and align the video content with program and institutional goals. Below are two videos from the teacher program series titled Introducing Formal Analysis.
Favorite moment: Although not necessarily a singular moment, I have to say that being able to walk out of my office directly into the Museum Entrance Hall was a wonderful part of my internship experience. It was great being so close to the galleries, and always reinforced for me the importance of the visitor experience and the role my department plays in connecting visitors with the Museum.

View from the Artsy offices in New York City. Photo: Lisa Banks
World adventure: As part of my intern study trip I traveled to New York City in February to attend the College Art Association annual conference and connect with other museum and arts professionals. Three of my fellow interns and I had the opportunity to meet with staff members supporting digital media programs at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and were given a tour of the museum’s Media Lab. My affiliation with the Getty also enabled me to meet media producers from major nonprofit and private arts organizations and learn about their experiences in the field. It was truly an invaluable professional experience!
Crystal ball: I’m looking forward to future opportunities in video production, digital strategy and media content management for museums, arts organizations, and educational institutions.
Internship in three words: Network, collaborate, create!
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